Getting Started with USI-Tech

Basics - Do Steps 1-5 IMMEDIATELY after Registration

  1. Immediately after Registering, check your inbox for an email from USI-Tech.  Click on the Activate button or the link below it.  
  2. Set up your password
  3. Complete your Profile.
  4. Go to Dashboard.  Scroll down to Advertising Link.  Click the Red CHANGE button.
  5. Type in the username you would like to have in place of the letters and numbers.  I recommend all lower case because non-typists hate typing capital letters.  Click Update.  The system will now log you out.
  6. Click Here to get a personalized team site like this one and our team training site.
  7. Next, you want to buy your packages and/or software license.

Set up Your Bitcoin Wallet if you don't have one

If you don't have Bitcoin or a Bitcoin (BTC) wallet, you need to set up a wallet.
You can use any you choose, but our tutorial will talk about Coinbase.  They all
work very similarly.

Coinbase is very easy for people to use..especially those in the U.S.  You can 
purchase BTC with a debit card or your bank account.  Debit card is instant, Bank
takes several days.  If you use the button below, you'll get $10 in your account
after you've purchased $100 worth of Bitcoin.

You can also purchase a package with Payza.  Payza will accept credit cards. 

  • Follow the on-screen instructions for setting up your account and entering your payment information.
  • Once you have entered your credit card or bank account information you will be required to upload and verify your ID (front and back of your drivers License) if you want a USD wallet in addition to a Bitcoin wallet.

Click on either button below to set up a wallet if you don't have one.

Purchasing a Bitcoin Package
The videos have the most complete instructions. 

  • Have two tabs open on your computer:  one to your USI Tech Back Office, and one to your CoinBase account, once you have purchased the Bitcoin.
  • On the USI Tech site, navigate to the "Shop" page.
  • Once on the Shop page, click the button "Purchase over BTC wallet".
  • Once that page opens, a 15 minute clock will start counting down.  You must complete the transaction withing 15 minutes.
  • Adjust the # of BTC packages you want to purchase in the drop down menu.
  • Copy the "Grand total" amount to your clipboard.
  • Navigate to the "Send/Request" link of your CoinBase account, on the left side.
  • Paste the "Grand total" amount on the Amount line in CoinBase.
  • Navigate back to the USI Tech site and copy the Wallet Code to your clipboard.
  • Navigate back to your CoinBase account and paste the Wallet Code onto the Recipient line.
  • Double check the Wallet Code to make sure you copied all the letters and numbers correctly.
  • Click the blue button to "Send funds". (You will need to buy the coin if you don't have it in your account.)
  • Confirm the transaction with the confirmation page that comes up.
  • Navigate back to the USI Tech site.  Check the box that you have read and accept the conditions, then click the box: "Click here to confirm your successful wallet transfer" to confirm the transaction.
  • A secondary confirmation box will open; you must confirm that as well.
  • In 5 to 10 seconds, a new page will open showing the updated status of your BTC package on  the USI Tech page.
  • It can take up to a few hours for the transaction to show on your Dashboard.

This is the bottom slider area. You can edit this text and also insert any element here. This is a good place if you want to put an opt-in form or a scarcity countdown.